PCI Standard Council to (finally) form a Virtualization Special Interest Group
In October 2008 Christopher Hoff, Chief Security Architect at Unisys (and virtualization.info Top Blogger for 2008) denounced how the PCI Standard Council didn’t demonstrate much interest for virtualization.
Just one month later VMware was joining the Council.
Now, magically, a Special Interest Group (SIG) for virtualization is coming, as reported by Troy Leach, Technical Director of the PCI SSC:
A SIG for virtualization is coming this year but we don’t have any firm dates or objectives as of yet. Only those 500-600 companies (which include VMware, Microsoft, Dell, etc) that are participating organizations or the 1,800+ security assessors can contribute. As you can imagine with those numbers, we already receive thousands of pages of feedback and are obligated to read all comments and suggestions.
Thanks to Christopher Hoff for the news.