XenoCode prepares an enterprise management console for its virtualized applications

December 23, 2008

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XenoCode is a company founded in 2002 popular for its .NET code obfuscation technology.
In June it completely changed its focus entering the application virtualization market with a product called Virtual Application Studio 2008 (read virtualization.info coverage).
The move immediately raised some attention and XenoCode was able to close an OEM agreement with Novell just three months later.

Prepared at the speed of light, now the company unveils its next step: an enterprise management solution for its virtualized applications.

The product is dubbed Virtual Desktop but has nothing to do with the approach that we typically see in a VDI environment.
The XenoCode Virtual Desktop is a three-tier application that centrally manages multiple virtual applications through a service, a file server and a client.

The file server hosts the virtualized application images that are linked on the end-user environment through the Start menu icons and desktop shortcuts thanks to the client component.
The service component, which will be included in the upcoming Virtual Application Studio 2009, centrally synchronizes the two tiers above and optionally delivers the application settings and its plug-ins.

The platform is directory services friendly, so it works with Microsoft Active Directory, Novell ZENworks and other enterprise management solutions that can deliver a package to a group of users.

XenoCode Virtual Desktop is currently in beta.
You can enroll for the Virtual Application Studio 2009 beta here, and for the Virtual Desktop Client beta here.