More corporate blogs from VMware

Like the growing number of blogs talking about virtualization are not enough to get lost in the sea of informations, VMware launches another couple of corporate blogs.

One is called Virtual Reality and VMware uses it to comment the misinterpretations of certain journalists.

One of the first pieces being reviewed is the February 2008 report from the Yankee Group which details how Microsoft offering is less expensive and more comprehensive compared to the VMware one. published some very negative comments on that report as well.

The other new blog is called VI Team Blog and will be a bi-monthly posting the VI product team.

One of the biggest challenges of corporate blogging is writing something that doesn’t break the company policies and doesn’t sound like just another marketing pitch.

Many virtualization vendors trying to address such challenge failed over the years (one of them is PlateSpin, but there are many others) and the first post from this new blog doesn’t promise much better.