VMware signs OEM agreement with Stratus

September 17, 2007

Quoting from the Stratus official announcement:

VMware, Inc. and Stratus Technologies Inc. announced today that they have entered into a definitive OEM agreement for the purpose of delivering the market-leading technologies of both companies – virtualization and continuous availability – to enable virtualized IT infrastructures with the highest levels of uptime and reliability. Under the terms of the agreement, Stratus will be able to market, resell and provide joint customer support for VMware Infrastructure 3 running on next-generation Stratus ftServer models.

By working through the VMware Community Source Program, Stratus will be able to support VMware Infrastructure 3 (VI3) software on Stratus ftServer systems. The new multi-core ftServer 4400 and 6200 models will be the first fault-tolerant x86 server platform able to deliver all of the business continuity benefits of virtualization, plus the unparalleled reliability and availability of a mission critical server foundation. General availability of the new ftServer models supporting VMware Infrastructure 3 is expected in early 2008…