Guide to VMware strategy for IPO investors (and potential customers)

August 13, 2007

As reported by endless news sources upcoming VMware IPO is expected as one of the biggest of last years (possibly the most interesting after Google one).

Understanding company strategy and near-term directions is critical to realize value of this investment.

For this reason summarized all declared and still-to-be-announced informations about virtualization market leader:

To have a better picture of virtualization market IPO investors may want to see industry analysis tools: the Industry Challenges report, describing which technology issues virtualization adopters are facing and which companies are working to address them, and the Industry Predictions, collecting all virtualization market forecasts released by major analysis firms since 2003.

VMware IPO price is set to $27-29 and is expected to start August 14.

The day before VMware IPO EMC gained over 7% in stock exchange (and continue to rise during after-hours trade).