Review: InfoWorld compares XenEnterprise 3.2 and Virtual Iron 3.7.1
InfoWorld published a comparison between the two commercial solutions based on open source hypervisor Xen: XenSource XenEnterprise 3.2 and Virtual Iron Enterprise Edition 3.7.1
XenEnterprise 3.2 achieved a score of 7/10 with following bottom line:
XenEnterprise is on its way to becoming an enterprise-grade virtualization platform, but it isn’t there yet. The foundation looks good, but needs server farming capabilities, as well as support for centralized storage, iSCSI SANs, 64-bit VMs, and VM migration. Much of this is promised for later in 2007, and will be needed for XenSource to compete at the enterprise level.
while Virtual Iron scored 7.7/10 with following bottom line:
Virtual Iron Enterprise offers high-end virtual server management features without the high-end price, but it has a few rough spots and can be fragile in places. When treated carefully, it’s a stable and scalable cross-platform virtualization solution with VM migration, load-balancing, and iSCSI SAN support. The future looks bright for this Xen-based solution.
Read the whole comparison at source.