Novell, Red Hat looking at OpenVZ adoption

August 24, 2006

Quoting from CNET News:

Red Hat hasn’t decided whether to use OpenVZ or Vserver, he added.

Xen is the priority for RHEL 5, due to arrive at the end of the year, but after that will come containers, Stevens said. “I’m looking at that as a RHEL 6 thing,” he said.

Novell, which wants to maintain Suse’s reputation as the first place to find advanced new features for Linux, is more eager and is considering adding OpenVZ in Service Pack 1 of SLES 10. “We are still evaluating if this is something we can take into SP1,” said Holger Dyroff, vice president of Linux product management.

If containers don’t arrive with SLES 10 Service Pack 1, Novell will urge SWsoft to work with Linux programmers so that the software can be easily added to SLES 11, Dyroff said…

Read the whole article at source.