Podcast: Microsoft acquisition of Softricity
June 15, 2006
Brian Madden published a 1-hour podcast where him and 4 distinguished guests evaluate recent Microsoft acquisition of Softricity.
During the podcast speakers touched several aspects, with an high focus on Citrix as usual:
- What this means for Citrix in the short term
- How the Softricity technology can help Microsoft sell copies of Office
- That Citrix needs to acquire a WAN optimization provider
- How Microsoft can use Softricity to facilitate Windows grid computing
- What Citrix should do with Project Tarpon
- How Citrix is competing with companies like Cisco and Juniper, and how Citrix could be better positioned then them
- What this means for Microsoft SMS and Altiris
- How desktop application deployment and server-based computing technologies are converging
The most interesting thing is that among guests there is Steig Westerberg, CEO of Stream Theory, which filed a lawsuit against Softricity, immediately after the Microsoft acquisition news.
Listen to it here.