Webcast: Tomorrow’s Test Lab Today: One-Touch Test Bed Automation

March 19, 2006

Akimbi is arranging a new webcast for 5th April:

Register now to join Mercury, Akimbi Systems, and our joint customer as we explore how new lab automation technology combined with functional testing tools is changing the way test and quality teams manage their test cycles and processes. As a QA professional, you must attend this one-hour webcast if you can identify with any of the following:

  • You wait too long for your test environments to be configured and deployed
  • You find it difficult to configure test environments to be “as close as possible to production”
  • Reproducing bugs is challenging at best, impossible at worst, and delays the delivery (or compromises the quality) of your software
  • Excessive servers, networking equipment and other resources are sprawled throughout the organization – yet you always seem to need more to support all the environments required to complete testing

Attend this Session and Learn:

  • How the “automated test bed” will change testing best practices forever, from a customer perspective
  • How to create this revolutionary “one-touch” testing using Mercury Quality Center and Akimbi Slingshot
  • How this solution can deliver ROI to your organization

Register for it here.