Sun Solaris Express 3/06 is out, featuring Solaris Containers improvements

Sun Solaris 10 Express 3/06 has been released and it provides nice features for Zones.

Quoting from release notes:

Two new subcommands, move and clone, have been added to the zoneadm command.
Zone move and clone features enable the following operations:

  • Relocate a non-global zone from one point on a system to another point on the same system
  • Rapidly provision a new non-global zone based on the configuration of an existing zone on the same system

Download Solaris Express 3/06 here.

If you are interested in Solaris (and you would try Zones) you could find interesting my How to install Sun Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5.

Since there is a lot of confusion about Solaris 10 I’d like to spend few words detailing differences:

  • Solaris 10 is the official Sun release of its operationg system, updated just after consolidating many improvements and considering them stable.
    At today we just have Solaris 10 Update 1 (called Solaris 10 1/06).
  • Solaris Express is the development version of Solaris 10, updated quite every month (so 3/06 means Express build for March 2006 ), and marked with a build name (this one for example is Nevada build 33).
    If you are confident with Microsoft technologies it’s what the Redmond giant is calling Customer Technology Preview (CTP) since some months.
  • OpenSolaris is a subset of Solaris 10 (and then of Solaris Express), made available as open source, and providing operating system source code, ready to be compiled with Sun Studio 10 (and gcc after some more debugging from Sun engineers).

A little confusing huh? To summarize:

  • If a new virtualization feature appears on Solaris Express it’s not to be considered stable and good for production until it’s included in a Solaris 10 Update.
  • This virtualization feature could be not released as open source by Sun, so it won’t appear on OpenSolaris.
  • Solaris 10 and further Updates are the only kind of Solaris operating system a virtualization platforms like VMware would support.