Podcast: Microsoft on Virtual Server 2005 R2 at Let's Talk Computers radio talk show

March 19, 2006

Let’s Talk Computers ranks as one of the longest running radio computer talk shows, distributing up-to-the minute computer information since 1989. Produced in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, it is broadcast via radio in Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Texas and New Mexico and on the world wide web via the Internet.

Yesterday they hosted Chris Henley from Microsoft to talk about Virtual Server 2005 R2:

Microsoft offers a wide range of products and services designed to empower people through great software — any time, any place and on any device. Chris Henley, Microsoft IT Specialist talks about the many advantages to using Virtual Server in our business applications. Virtual Server 2005 R2 is the cost-effective server virtualization technology engineered for the Windows Server System platform. As a key part of any server consolidation strategy, Virtual Server increases hardware utilization and enables organizations to rapidly configure and deploy new servers.

Here the podcast in Read Audio or Windows Media Player.

Let’s Talk Computers is also hosting another 1 month older podcast about Virtual PC: Read Audio or Windows Media Player.