Dunes releases Virtual Service Orchestrator 1.0

November 7, 2004

Quoting from official announcement:

Dunes Virtual Service Orchestrator (Dunes® VS-O™) is a virtual service orchestration software solution for VMware VirtualCenter and Microsoft Virtual Server 2005. Dunes VS-O is about capturing best practices and business policies in order to provide an end-to-end IT service that proactively meets the business objectives in an automated manner, making the data center more efficient and adaptive to changing business conditions.

Dunes VS-O unleashes the value of Enterprise Service Integrators to be applied to solving business problems involving a virtual infrastructure. It is the first integrated development platform, based on open standards, that enables rapid design, validation and integration of business processes into the virtualized data center. Combined with an environment that allows virtualization and automation of the virtual infrastructure, it enables the delivery of IT service on demand.

Dunes VS-O encompasses workflow and policy based virtual infrastructure orchestration as well as physical systems integration and automation. With Dunes VS-O you compose, deliver and guarantee the right services to the right business users at the right time and at the right costs.