Serenity Virtual Station (SVISTA) goes Beta

June 8, 2004

Quoting from Yahoo Finance:

Serenity Systems International (SSI) has announced an open (public) beta program for its Serenity Virtual Station (SVISTA) product, a virtual machine application for Intel based PCs. The software being tested runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, and IBM’s OS/2. A FreeBSD version is planned for later this year.
SVISTA supports running of different operating systems, or multiple instances of the same operating system, as “guest desktops” inside the virtual machine. This provides the user with the ability to access multiple desktops on the same computer at the same time.

“We learned a great deal from our recently completed Early Support Program”, said Bob St.John of SSI. “And now it is time to take the program to the next level. An Open Beta, available to the public, will teach us more about our products. And we expect to learn a great deal more about our users and customers and their product requirements through this program, as well.”

Though the beta program is structured to support individual users, SSI will also support evaluation programs with qualified Channel Partners and enterprise commercial accounts. According to St.John, “We believe there is significant value in our terminal services product. Applications which deploy and provide access to the SVISTA virtual machine to users across a network. However, we see these products, and the Titan management product family, as services offerings, not as ‘shrink-wrap’ products. So, we are interested in testing with in-house IT groups and fee service consultants.”

The terminal services products deploy SVISTA to a local workstation or provide users with remote access to a desktop running on the terminal services system. This can be accomplished on Linux, providing access to Microsoft Windows, OS/2, or even Linux desktops. It can even be used to extend the functionality of Citrix implementations.

Presentations providing more information on this functionality are available on

What isn’t said in this article is that joining beta program will cost $50 (V.A.T. excluded), cause you need to buy the beta release at online shop. IMHO this is quite absurd: why one person should pay for an instable and young product when he can choose between EMC/VMware and Microsoft products lines?
Isn’t for the 50 dollars, is for the principle.